Wednesday, November 27, 2019
What is the Relationship between the Social Definition of Deviance and the Medias Role in the Dissemination of Popular Culture
What is the Relationship between the Social Definition of Deviance and the Medias Role in the Dissemination of Popular Culture News reporting is one of the principal ways in which a society learns about itself. The main function of news media is to offer mass audience with information and account of events that occur in the world. Nevertheless, another less perceptible function is to act as an instrument of social control.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on What is the Relationship between the Social Definition of Deviance and the Media’s Role in the Dissemination of Popular Culture? specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The media plays a significant role in defining deviance and inflicting social controls, since it is the main player in interpreting public opinions and views. In this certain role, it acts as a type of deviance-defining elite that take a main part in constructing visions of stability, order and change and manipulating the control practices that agree with these visions. News media also stipulate what constitutes deviance. In the course of the regular practice of reporting news, media stations ideologically strengthen relations of ruling, sustaining the hegemonic power construction of the society wherein they are entrenched. The media also benefits the voices of those in legitimate groups such as politicians over those of deviant players. The power and social standing of sources determines their credibility, since reporters not only depend upon their objective construes, but also other sources when making news stories. News media deal with visualizing and, thus, defining deviant actions for their audience. In the course, the news media as well reproduce sound notions of community consensus and social order. Besides, the focus on deviance builds an entertainment approach that pacifies the business interests of news media groups. The television news industry, aware of its function in commercial entertainment, centers on heavily sensational, dramatic and titillating descriptions to draw and sustain a broad viewing audience. As Karl Max denotes, news media dictates to masses through creating false consciousness in the minds of the viewers. News media are among the groups that meet the criteria of what Max Weber calls the disenchantment of the contemporary world. Apparently, the role of news media in both distributing and representing public opinion and action is most evident when reporting on deviance, particularly on sub cultural youth deviance.Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The predominance of television news stories that underline black youths and violence shows how news media institutions assist in shaping the process of choosing, defining and circulating social problems to the public. American films like Juice and Fresh receive national attention because they highlight the common view that crime and violence characterize the lives of African-Americans. The media pr omotes deviant behaviors by portraying black youths as pioneers of crime, violence and moral decay, since even innocent young black youths tend to adopt these behaviors so that they can live to societal expectations. Popular media has a valuable role in disseminating different cultures. It also leads to globalization, since much information concerning how people live emanates from representations of those groups in popular media. As Emile Durkheim explains, social facts originate from a prolonged interaction with others, mass media and academic education. Hence, whether such representations appear negative or positive, they have key social, political and cultural inferences. Most people obtain information about crime and the criminal justice structure from the news and entertainment media. We all interact with mass media or popular culture depending on aspects such as our social setting, opportunities, needs and interests for exposure. Yet, we do not approach the experiences of mass media/popular culture as void boxes. We all interact with the media despite our variations in age, race, ethnicity and gender. In conclusion, the media plays a significant role in defining deviance and inflicting social controls, since it is a main player in interpreting public opinions and views. Moreover, popular media has a valuable role in disseminating different cultures, since much information concerning how people live emanates from representations of those groups in popular media.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Two Minutes hate Essays
Two Minutes hate Essays Two Minutes hate Paper Two Minutes hate Paper How does Orwell use the language of hate effectively in the Two Minutes hate scene in part I chapter I of 1984? This scene begins in quite a calm descriptive way in which it features just descriptions of people entering the room. Orwell does this to set the scene for the 2 Minutes hate also it is calmly described lulling the audience. This gives the point where the language more tenacity to the reader as they are relaxed. Then suddenly everything gets very dramatic. Firstly it says Uncontrollable exclamations of rage showing that things are getting very dramatic in this room illustrating the hate. The uncontrolled nature of the rage of the people gives the scene more drama as it shows the hatred of Goldstein as very strong. This effectively shows the reader how much the people of this world are indoctrinated through the language of hate. Orwell then goes on to describe Goldstein as an object of hatred more constant than either Eurasia or Eastasia. This shows that in Oceania Goldstein is a great figure of hate even stronger than their enemies in war. This statement gives the 2 minutes hate more affect because the reader is wondering why so many people can carry such hatred for one man. At this point the scene is very dramatic with hatred building up through the language of hate. Interestingly Orwell takes this scene in a different direction bringing in irony. Saying the irony is Goldstein is torn apart ideologically everyday and yet he still retains influence. In some ways this makes Goldstein stronger giving him publicity. This irony makes the reader thing and this brings the language of hate in a different direction because it deals with the issue of scape goating. Then Orwell builds up the scene intensely having the hate rise up. Then he helps the scene and the language of hate. He gets his characters into dramatic situations he has people running around the place destroying things and chairs being thrown. The descriptive nature of this makes the scene very dramatic it illustrates the hate of the people of this world. Then Orwell brings in the character of OBrien the first inclusion of him showing him flustered and quivering and getting involved this shows OBrien in a strange light. Showing OBrien as uncomfortable in this situation. Then he brings in the insults brought in by the characters Swine! Swine! Swine! showing a young woman yelling these insults. Orwell gives this scene effect through this as he shows someone not expected to be strong being the most notable hater in this scene. This language of hate gives the scene more effect. This scene is given the most effect when Orwell describes the worse thing about the 2 minutes hate. It is not having to be there but finding you are impossibly drawn into the action of the event. This increases the terror it shows the reader how much someone can be indoctrinated and influenced. Then Orwell brings the 2 minutes hate to its height by using words like vindictiveness, a desire to kill, to torture, to smash faces in. This description of hate brings across the dramatic nature of the scene. Then Orwell finishes this scene having the capital letter slogans of Big brother appearing WAR IS PEACE, FREEDOM IS SLAVERY, IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH these strike out at the reader bringing the scene to a climax showing the reason why the two minutes hate has such influence.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Summary Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Summary - Article Example luating these anomia studies to focus on the efficacy of treatment depending on moderator variables such as aphasia type, severity, therapy frequency, total amount of therapy hours and number of trained items. The effect size was calculated to represent the gains made for all participants confrontational naming tasks as follows: D= (Mpost tx-Mpre tx)/SDpre tx. Further, the unbiased effect of the study was calculated as follows: Unbiased d= (1-(3/ (4*total n)-9))*d. The pre- and post-measures were categorized within studies to evaluate moderator variables such as type of aphasia, Aphasia severity, number of sessions per week and total number of therapy hours (excluding the number of sessions). To assist control for confounding variables, the effect sizes were separated for trained vs. untrained/unexposed/unrelated words. In addition, the follow-up measures were eliminated. From the experiment that was conducted, effect sizes were based on small number of studies and frequently showed a high standard deviation. The results revealed the
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