Monday, May 25, 2020
The Little Bison Basin Valley a Look at Its History Essay
May 5th, 2000 Hunter College, Introduction to Archeology Professor C.M. Tinsley The Little Bison Basin Valley : A look at its history This valley, future home of a ski resort and other activities, has a history of its own. It is divided into three major areas: The Poplar Region, The Bud Site, and the Gasville, areas which descend from North to South respectively. It is assumed that climatological conditions are similar to those found in the same area thousands of years ago, with some minor changes in temperature that may have increased due to the Green house effect and global warming. These three sites were studied separately in the following order : †¢ Poplar Region o Three regions were†¦show more content†¦In the upper levels we see a number of fragmented bone which may suggest that they began to eat more from each animal killed. Perhaps animals became scarce therefore they began to explore the taste of bone marrow. [pic]we also noticed the different types of tools used to hunt from the lowest level to the most current level and retouched flakes prevailed during all periods we have determined by our excavations. This was a favorite weapon to hunt and perhaps used to hunt larger preys found in the area. The use of end scraper also prevailed for many years and it was probably used to tear up the skin to cover themselves in the cold winter time. Other tools were also found, but a significant lower number. As time went by, some small populations seemed to have migrated north and settle in the Bud Site or perhaps migrated back and forth to Gasville as evidence suggests that humans lived in both places in the same period. This site was divided into two time periods. The lower level represents the oldest period whereas the upper level represents that most recent period. In comparing the amount of killing that took place between the periods, we can see, based on the evidence found, that a larger number of killings took place in the oldest period but I find no correlation to any cultural distinction or diet habit based on this evidence. The fact that Bison are usually present in the region around May, it couldShow MoreRelatedEssay on An Enigmatic People and Their Rock Art4556 Words  | 19 PagesSouthwest, one such group, the Fremont culture, has to a large degree defied classification. Inhabiting an expansive territory in the northern reaches of the Southwest, the Fremont sometimes look archaeologically very similar to their neighbors, the Anasazi, and to groups living on the Plains and in the Great Basin. The origin and eventual demise of the Fremont culture has been the subject of much debate, as has the question of whether the Fremont even constitute a â€Å"culture.†More than any other term
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Birthday Party Project Management - 2712 Words
Final Project: Surprise Birthday Dinner Event Roy K. M. Mamuad AD642: Project Management Professor Roger D. H. Warburton, Ph D. Boston University 23 Feb 2010 Abstract Doing something special for the one you love is something that has been done throughout the ages. Studies have shown not only does an act of kindness strengthen personal relationships in marriage, but it also has positive health benefits resulting from social family gatherings and traditions. The proposed project presents a scenario of exploiting such a positive bonding. It shows the results of what can be accomplished by a bringing together an annual special occasion and creatively fusing it with family interaction. My wife has her 31st birthday coming up in 6 months and†¦show more content†¦Established: 1 Apr 10 * Airline Tickets Procured: 1 Apr 10 * Guest List Established: 4 Apr 10 * Invitations Sent Out: 4 Apr 10 * Dinner Venue Secured: 4 Apr 10 * Modified Recipes Planned: 4 Apr 10 * Final Menu: 4 Apr 10 * Grocery List: 4 Apr 10 * Arrive in Seattle, WA: 12 July 10 * Arrive at Dinner Venue: 12 July 10 * Happy Surprised Wife: 16 July 10 Technical Requirements: * 3 guests have an allergy to nuts * Dinner venue to support 50 guests * 1 - 36†Outdoor gas grill w/ burner capability of 10,000 Btu/hr * 6 - burner ceramic range w/ burner capability of 15,000 Btu/hr * 2 - 1.7 cubic foot microwave ovens w/ cooking capability of 950 W * 2 - 30†4.2 cubic foot ovens w/ Bake/Broil capability of 3,400-4,000 W * 1 - 36†17.6 cubic foot refrigerator w/ a 7 cubic foot freezer * Calphalon contemporary stainless steel cookware consisting of 2-1.5 qt sauce pan with cover, 1-3.5 qt sauce pan, 2-3 qt sautà ©, 1-8 qt stock pot w/ oven-safe temp capability of 500 F Risks: * Guest schedule conflicts * Food not properly prepared * Food poisoning * Extra guests * Weather * Not enough food * BBQ gas tank capacity * Unavailable resources Limits amp; Constraints: * Transportation to and from event is guests responsibility * Guest food allergies or aversions * Weather during the event * Funding for the project Assumptions: * Everyone on the guest list will be attending with their schedulesShow MoreRelatedThe Mission Statement Of Party City1639 Words  | 7 PagesThe mission statement of Party City, my current employer, as stated in the handbook: Party City loves to celebrate. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
History Of Copyright Law With Indian Context Essay
HISTORY OF COPYRIGHT LAW WITH INDIAN CONTEXT: India has one of the oldest academic traditions with formal education finding a place in its ancient history. The universities of Takshila and Nalandaare great centers of learning in the early world, teaming with students and teachers from all parts of the world, not to say about the great Gurukul tradition in the age-old past. However, those are the days when learning was considered as gift of God, freely received and freely given. Over the centuries, the learning approach gradually changed. Old traditions paved way for new ones. New economic models and institutional structures emerged. Concept of copyright in literary works found a place inIndia by the nineteenth century. India had its first Copyright Law enacted on 18th December 1847 much earlier than many other countries. The scope of the Act covered books only and no other kinds of creative expressions. It isinteresting to read the title of that legislation: â€Å"An Act for the encouragement of learningin the territories subject to the Government of the East India Company, bydefining and providing for the enforcementof the right called copyright therein†.The scope of that Act covered only books and no other kinds of creativeexpressions. It is, however, remarkablethat the Act provided for compulsory license to publish a book, which theoriginal publisher had refused to republishso that books in demand are not withheld from the public. Although suchlegislation existed, the BombayShow MoreRelatedAccusation And Defense Of The Salem Witchcraft Trials1658 Words  | 7 PagesRESEARCH PAPER Accusation and defense in the Salem witchcraft trials Suraj Gamal History 1301-73001-73002 JOE L. MCCAMBRIDGE - HISTORY 1301-1302 One of the most infamous Trial in history took place on March 1, 1692. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Community Immersion free essay sample
It is the city base for Jeff Davis Parish which combined has 6 cities in the parish (U. S. Census Bureau, 2010). Jennings is considered a rural area with a population of 10,909 people residing in the city. According to the census bureau the city of Jennings is populated with Caucasians at 7,736, African Americans 3, 076, Asian 32 and Hispanics 101 (U. S. Census Bureau, 2010). Jennings has two sub communities the south side of town where most of the blacks are under the poverty line and some middle class residents. Downtown is where the whites and a few blacks live, these two sides a separated by a railroad track. The founding of Jennings was a manifestation of the dynamic spirit in Americans which led them to continually seek new frontiers and new areas of economic exploitation. The story of its growth parallels that of many other Louisiana towns, but in two respects it has a claim to distinctiveness: its middle western origin and its connection with Louisiana’s oldest oil field. Jennings McComb, for whom the town was named, was a contractor of the Southern Pacific Railroad. He built the Jennings depot on a divide peculiar to southwest Louisiana (Riser, 1948). It is known that he was president of the Louisiana Western Railroad Company and had been associated with Charles Morgan in certain railroad transactions. McComb accumulated a great fortune, not from the railroad transactions. McComb accumulated a great fortune, not from the railroad but from the acquisition of the patent for the arrow tie buckle used in the baling of cotton. In 1901 an Jennings businessmen brought in oil operators to develop the Jennings Oil Field. This marked the first production of oil in the state of Louisiana. Oil became an important element in the economy of Jennings, but rice, the basis of the town’s economy, was still cultivated. After 1906 oil production declined and the importance of the industry to Jennings decreased. Rice remained, as it always had been, the leading economic activity of the area (Riser, 1948). The one thing about this community is the buildings; they still resemble the old design from in the beginning. This community on one side of the tracks maybe crumbling, but Jennings is a growing city. Jennings can give the illusion of nothing is going on and deep down inside of the town is array of discrimination of race, social class, an economic status. II. Community Structure: Community Function Jennings has few clubs for socializing and due to the divide in the population by race. Socialization between the white and blacks are limited if they do not work together. There are normally around event times in the community two different parades one downtown for the white the other Southside for the blacks. The city is ran by the mayor elected, making all the decisions in the city. During events for the city the decision in regards to can it happen is left to the chief of police. The city has two law enforcement agency the city police which handles everything inside the city and the sheriff’s department which is for surrounding parish cities. Each area or parts of Jennings have police jurors that are elected for the area. Residents are to contact their police jurors with complaints; they are then brought before a town meeting that is held each month at city hall. The meetings are open to all residents in the parish; however they are not openly advertised. There are many community leaders, or shall I say power families. These are the people who basically can have anything they want in Jennings. These families have been living here from the beginning and own most of all the businesses in Jennings. Jennings with these power families there is a lot of corruption within the city. According to an interview conducted with a resident of Jennings, it is a visible corruption. They stated that it’s in the police department and in the court houses. The court house is located in central Jennings and shares a uilding with the parish sheriff’s department. The courthouse has two courtrooms and on judge. One Monday’s, Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s are court days in Jennings. Because this is the parish base surrounding cities in the parish have to attend court in Jennings. The mayor’s office is located across from the courthouse, basically if he is in office the office residents have the opportunity to speak with h im. Election for public office are held every two years, however the judge and chief of police have held the same positions for the last 4 years. They were reelected with majority of the vote. Observing and interviewing residents across the tracks with a low economic status on the government of Jennings. Residents of this community fear the police and the government of Jennings. Most of the residents don’t vote because they believe it does not work. On resident showed me the curfew signs located for two blocks in front of the only club in Jennings. Residents reported having to leave the city to socialize (Jennings Daily News, 2005). III. Community Characteristics Jennings is a booming city new school, shopping centers, restaurants, car lots and new additions to the hospital. This is all downtown Jennings, continue to drive to Southside Jennings and the economy changes. The economy in Jennings is low compared to other cities in Louisiana. Local business owner, own most of the shopping places. The other centers are chain stores and restaurants which provide employment in city. To obtain a good job some resident must leave the city and drive at least 30 miles to the nearest city for work. There are 3 public schools and 2 catholic schools in Jennings there is a technical school which provides training in different fields. Just recently I was informed that Southside had the only elementary school residents. According to the Jennings daily news the school was moved uptown Jennings. There are no schools located in the Southside community of Jennings (Jennings Daily News, 2005). Looking for resources in Jennings is like looking for a needle in a hay stack. There are limited resources in the area for residents living in poverty. There is no office of community services which provides applications and face to face case managers for additional household help; the nearest office is 45 minutes away. There is a health unit that provides parenting classes other services to needed residents. Caring Hands is the only resource of helping people pay bills if needed. They help with light bills, gas bills, and water bills if qualified. There is no transportation system in the city, residents with no cars must walk to the stores. The community even with the lack of services seems not to harm most of the community. It’s for the most part beginning to overcome the racism that has been a factor over the years. However it still a big issue here in Jennings. Jennings have develop over the years an array of issues that need to be addressed like the lack of community services, the sub community of Southside Jennings, lack of activities for children, and jobs. With all this going on the murders of eight young ladies since 2005 has divided and turned the downtown residents against the city police that the city police no longer operate alone in the city the Louisiana state police has taken over (Jennings Daily News, 2005). Its apparent when driving through and speaking with residents, the blacks in the community experience oppression from the local government as well as themselves. There is a large amount of discrimination not only with the government but the local police. Residents state even if they are not doing anything the good suffers for the bad. Police patrol Southside and allow no room for socialization. The park on the Southside is always empty most children rather stay in the house. The local police abuse their power an residents live in fear every day. Jennings, Louisiana do not have a homeless population, most residents that lose their homes move in with relatives. Make some home occupied with multiply families. In this community, it’s a plus along with all the other problems they do not need a homeless problem. IV. Summary and Conclusion Jennings, Louisiana a booming city, with hidden racial problems. Jennings with the majority of the population being white runs the local government, making all the decisions for the city. The lack of resources makes it impossible for some residents to access them. It’s a city that can be two different cities in one. Although education is accessible most of the black don’t attend. Jobs are limited less and there is no public transportation out of city to find jobs. Most residents live under the poverty line for the ones who do not are enjoying this community as long as the blacks stay on their side of the tracks. Reading Netting and observing this community there is a lot going on like Social Darwinism due to the blacks believing that income between not only rich and poor, but white and black is natural (Kettner, McMurty, Netting, 1998). The manifest destiny in which is going on in Jennings today.
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