Wednesday, May 6, 2020
History Of Copyright Law With Indian Context Essay
HISTORY OF COPYRIGHT LAW WITH INDIAN CONTEXT: India has one of the oldest academic traditions with formal education finding a place in its ancient history. The universities of Takshila and Nalandaare great centers of learning in the early world, teaming with students and teachers from all parts of the world, not to say about the great Gurukul tradition in the age-old past. However, those are the days when learning was considered as gift of God, freely received and freely given. Over the centuries, the learning approach gradually changed. Old traditions paved way for new ones. New economic models and institutional structures emerged. Concept of copyright in literary works found a place inIndia by the nineteenth century. India had its first Copyright Law enacted on 18th December 1847 much earlier than many other countries. The scope of the Act covered books only and no other kinds of creative expressions. It isinteresting to read the title of that legislation: â€Å"An Act for the encouragement of learningin the territories subject to the Government of the East India Company, bydefining and providing for the enforcementof the right called copyright therein†.The scope of that Act covered only books and no other kinds of creativeexpressions. It is, however, remarkablethat the Act provided for compulsory license to publish a book, which theoriginal publisher had refused to republishso that books in demand are not withheld from the public. Although suchlegislation existed, the BombayShow MoreRelatedAccusation And Defense Of The Salem Witchcraft Trials1658 Words  | 7 PagesRESEARCH PAPER Accusation and defense in the Salem witchcraft trials Suraj Gamal History 1301-73001-73002 JOE L. MCCAMBRIDGE - HISTORY 1301-1302 One of the most infamous Trial in history took place on March 1, 1692. 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